Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Can I Actually Discover A Spirit's Presence?

Over a 5 week period, I will be visiting so-called haunted locations over North Texas. Throughout this time, I will update my blog with all my experiences.
As of now, I am a bit doubtful I will experience anything out of the ordinary.
I've chosen to go on this adventure because I've always been skeptical and curious about this topic.
   My hopes for this project is to prove my skepticism wrong and witness something unexplainable. Many people have doubts of the afterlife and spirits, and I have had my doubts as well. Although if I am able to witness something amazing it will be life-altering.
I am excited to begin discovering what isn't widely talked about, but most people are very interested in.
  I have a few places in mind I am planning to visit. This includes locations such as The Screaming Bridge, Hells Gates, Bethel Cemetery, and Parkland Hospital. I am also planning to use a Ouija board to attempt contact.


  1. I can't wait to see what you find. This sounds very fun to do.

  2. I can't wait to see what you find. This sounds very fun to do.

  3. You know, I've actually encountered what I'm sure were spiritual presences in the past, so I'm sure I'll find this interesting

  4. This sounds so fun.You should post pictures and videos from the places you visit.

  5. I love this topic! I'm a HUGE skeptic, but I still find this whole thing very interesting. You could, if you wanted to, interview people who say they've experienced spirits/ghosts, etc.

  6. Oh, and great driving question.

  7. I'm very interested (and kind of terrified) of your topic! I will definitely be checking back here to see if you encounter anything paranormal. Happy hunting!

  8. Very cool project! If you want a personal account of exposure to a spirit/ghost, let me know because I have one in my house! It is one of those things that you don't believe until you experience it and then you have NO doubt about what you experienced.
